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How can the simple GROW model help you?

The GROW Model is one of the most well-known and widely used coaching tools. We use it to help our clients set clear and attainable goals to further their professional or personal development.

The GROW model helps create a structure and, as coaching requires excellent listening skills and the ability to ask the right questions, this model is the foundation upon which great coaching questions are formed.

The GROW acronym stands for:

G = Goal: What is your goal? R = Reality: Where are you right now? O = Options: What can you do to achieve the goal? W = Way forward: What is your best way forward?

We empower clients to look forward to the future with confidence and knowing the right questions to ask within the GROW model is an important tool. In particular it helps us to stay very neutral and let our client find their own wisdom.

GOAL The key to successful coaching session is a clear goal and a deeper understanding of the motivation behind it. In the ‘G’ step, clients are able to pin the ‘what’ so the session can move forward with clarity. Through these goals and with the right questions, as coaches we can empower our clients to take control of their future.

REALITY Reality is all about the ‘now’ and focuses on the ‘where’ of the goal. This step of the GROW model helps coaching clients raise their awareness around the goal and their situation. With the right questions this stage can also highlight the support systems and resources currently available to coaching clients.

OPTIONS The step is how we can support our client to think creatively and encourage them to explore the ‘how’ of achieving their goals. Options questions and inspire clients to plan and problem solve in new and creative ways.

WAY FORWARD This helps clarify the actions a person requires to move forward. The best questions get specific and help propel clients into step by step actions to achieve their dreams. The GROW Model helps us coaches to create structured conversations and ask meaningful questions to deliver results for our clients. It is a proven tool that helps people set achievable goals and strive forward for a better future

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