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Goal setting & Goal getting

It’s 2021 and what better time to create some goals for yourself. Ask yourself the question, "What is most important to me about the life / career / relationship / well-being I want?" The purpose of goal setting is to focus our attention and make an intent about things that are important for us.. and set about achieving these. things.

Ask yourself the question, "What is most important to me about the life / career / relationship / well-being I want?"

The purpose of goal setting is to focus our attention and make an intent about things that are important for us.. and set about achieving these things.

Step 1

WHAT - ask yourself, what is it I really want...not what I want to be or do… you’re already being or doing that now. Rather focus on ‘what do I want to have?’ as that will help you set the goal and take action.

We use both our conscious mind ( rational sensible - the goal setter!) and unconscious mind ( intuitive, feeling, everything we’re not thinking about - the goal getter )

Set your goal with your conscious mind and then this will allow your unconscious mind to go about the HOW... you don’t need to worry about this, trust your unconscious mind which has all the answers and resources you require.

Step 2

The process: make your goals SMART

· Specific, simple ( probably the most important)

· Measurable,

· Attainable,

· Realistic

· Timed

Research tells us our unconscious mind is that of a 5,6,7 year old which is the age we develop our conscious mind - so we must give our unconscious mind very specific instructions when setting goals... consider plan b’s etc

Goals can be things we

· Dream about

· Want

· Need

· Settle for

Set goals you dream about, the life, the career, the relationship you want - not what you’d settle for...because if you do anything less than dream you’ll get what you’d settle for...

Step 3

Set your goal very specifically so there’s no alternative for your unconscious mind to take.

Make your goal:

· Measurable.. (check, how will you know you’ve achieved it) Meaningful - to you! And make it exciting... if you make it boring that’s what you’ll get. Goals to create your future need to be motivating.

· Attainable, as if now...set the goal in the present tense... (relates to Timed); put a date on it.. it is June 1 2021 and I am...)

· Achievable, Realistic - ask two questions (these are to do with you taking responsibility and your beliefs):

a) do I believe I can make this happen? You need a resounding yes... if not you probably have a limiting belief, limiting decision, so we need to address this because if the unconscious mind doesn’t believe it can happen there’s no point moving forward..

b) Do I believe this will happen? You need to know you are taking 100% responsibility for the goals you are achieving.. eg not dependent on someone else or situation.

· Realistic - for you... is it ecological, meaning does this goal fit with / enhance the other areas of my life... of others around me.. and... the planet..

(Another session we can look at areas of life in more detail: career, relationship, family, wellbeing, money, spirituality).

· Timed. Towards.

The unconscious mind doesn’t process negatives.

All change happens from the positive.. so we set our goals based on positive values... towards what we want. Our brains are wired to seek satisfaction...

Eg it is June 1 and I have....

( Not away from what we want eg I’ll compromise my situation and because I don’t want to be unemployed I’ll take what comes up... a goal based on values of fear and insecurity..

Step 4

We need to address any fears and lack of belief... anger sadness fear guilt...that’s another session!

Step 5

Taking action

Now ask yourself what is the very next thing I’m going to do?

Susan Warren is a qualified ICC Coach and a certified Trainer, Master Practitioner and Coach of NLP, Timeline Therapy® & Hypnotherapy. She supports the UK-based THRIVE® counselling programme for clients.


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