It can be difficult to spot the signs of burnout, but it’s important to be vigilant about it.
The impact of covid-related issues, perhaps having taken time out to reflect, or age, stage and personal expectations: if you suspect someone you know may be suffering from burnout, you might consider giving them a safe space to talk about it. And point them in the direction of a coach. Give them permission to reflect on where they are at… and make a plan to restore their work life balance, their health and happiness.
Because the fact is: burnout is a big concern. In a recent survey, Deloitte found that 77% of people had experienced burnout at their current job, while 69% felt their employers weren’t doing enough to prevent or alleviate burnout.
But it’s not always clear when an employee is on the verge of (or currently experiencing) burnout. It can be hard to spot the signs in others—especially when you aren’t personally familiar with them, or when you’re all working remotely.
There are always signs, though some may be more obvious than others. In general, you’re looking for changes in a person’s normal work behaviour. It’s important to learn to spot these changes, so you can take action to prevent spiralling further.
So here are some of the less visible signs of burnout that you may be overlooking. Alone, none of these are guaranteed symptoms, but—taken together—they form a pattern that may signal someone is in need of support.
Employee burnout can look like:
Loss of confidence
If somebody suddenly seems to lose confidence in their abilities, it could be a sign that they’re experiencing burnout.
This could manifest as an employee who’s convinced their work will always be rejected, or who becomes more tentative than usual.
And it’s not just in the office; this loss of confidence can also leech into personal lives, with people believing that they’re incompetent, disliked, or unwanted.
A change in socializing at work
Burnout can sometimes mimic symptoms of depression, leading people to feel lethargic and disconnected.
If someone is suddenly exhausted all the time and skipping plans or turning down favorite activities, it could be a sign of burnout.
Burnout could also be the reason why an employee suddenly becomes cynical about their work relationships or their perceived place in the company.
A change in general behavior
If an employee or colleague suddenly has a drastic dip in energy—for example, if they seem disinterested and unspirited compared to how they usually are—it could be a sign of them becoming disengaged, which is a marker of burnout.
Likewise, a sudden change in eating habits—either in terms of suddenly eating more or eating less—could also signal impending burnout. That’s because individuals suffering from burnout may try to fill the serotonin gap through eating sugary junk food and carbs. (It’s called stress eating for a reason!)
Lack of care at work
Another common sign of burnout is an employee who suddenly becomes a lot less careful at work—whether in terms of their attention to detail or their attitude.
For example, there may be a rise in absenteeism, or a reckless, “devil-may-care” attitude. These could signal that an individual no longer cares about their job, which could be a result of an underlying issue like burnout.
Physical illness
Finally, if you notice someone is off work more often, or is complaining about ailments, you should pay attention.
Partially because burnout can cause actual physical symptoms (such as headaches, stomach trouble, body aches, and increased susceptibility to flu and colds.) But also because a sudden uptick in days off could be symptomatic of someone who is burnt out and unable to face work.
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